We believe in caring for God's gifts
‘The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work on it and take care of it.’ Genesis 2:15
Stewardship is all about caring for the many gifts that God has given to us. These include our environment, our own talents and other resources. All living things are connected so we must use God’s gifts responsibly to meet the needs of everyone, now and in the future.
Chaplaincy Team picking up rubbish in the local area
Picking up rubbish
As part of our school virtual Advent calendar on Catholic Social Teaching, the Chaplaincy Team have been picking up rubbish in the playground and the local streets around school.
Tree planting and sustainable farming in Uganda
Our school charity is working with other schools; the International Tree Foundation and the Masaka and District Land Care Chapter (MADLACC) to plant tree nurseries in 23, or more, schools in the area.
This project aims to engage children in tree planting and tree nursery management within their school grounds. The project also aims to empower children to improve the productivity of farms and increase farmer’s income by reaching out to parents to teach them about agroforestry. To find out more click here
Earth Day 2024
Earth Day 2024
Year 3 have been raising awareness of the dangers of plastics.
Year 6 have been finding out about COP28 and created some fantastic posters to highlight climate change.
Letters to World Leaders COP28 Climate Change

Year 6 picking up rubbish in the local area
Picking up rubbish
Year 6 have been picking up rubbish in the playground and the local streets around the school.
Year 6 have been finding out about COP27 and created some fantastic posters to highlight climate change.
Letters to World Leaders COP27 Climate Change
CAFOD National Assembly: Eyes of the World
The school watched a special Cafod assembly on the climate crisis.
The climate is in crisis and it affects us all. But it is the poorest communities who are suffering the most. The eyes of the world are on us this year as Britain hosts world leaders for the United Nations' climate change talks -COP26. The assembly talked about how we can come together to look after and care for the world which is crying out for our help, and tackle the climate crisis.
Below is a prayer by Pope Francis.
Year 6 have been finding out about COP26 and created some fantastic posters to highlight climate change.
Letters to World Leaders COP26 Climate Change
COP26 Chaplaincy Team Podcast
Members of the Chaplaincy Team worked alongside members of the eco committee to record a special podcast on Cop26.
‘...the world we have received also belongs to those who will follow us.’ Pope Francis, Laudato Si’ (Praise be), #159, 2015