Welcome to St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Welcoming children from all cultures and faiths and those of none to become part of our school community where together we can make a difference!
Ofsted confirm we remain a GOOD school - December 2022
Together in God's family we love, grow and learn
Latest News
Term 3: Monday 6th January to Friday 14th February
Dates for Reception 2025/26 Starters:
Tuesday 7th January - School Tour - 10am
Please book by ringing or emailing the school office.
Class Spaces
We currently have some spaces available for this academic year in Reception and Year 1. If you're searching for a place for your child please do not hesitate to contact us.
Consultation on Admissions Policy 2026/2027
The governing body are consulting on their proposed admission arrangements for the 2026-27 school year. See our 'How to Apply' page for more details.
Job Vacancies
No Current Vacancies
School Uniform
Doug Hillard Sports are our uniform supplier! Please see our school uniform page for more information.
Covid Guidance
If your child has a positive lateral flow test result they must isolate for 3 days, day 1 being the day after the test.
If your child is isolating, there is work under the home learning tab.
Oak National Academy can also be used for some excellent home learning resources for every year group and subject area.
Thank you for keeping the school community safe!