St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

St Joseph's Catholic
Primary School


As scientists at St Joseph’s we investigate and explore the world around us. We use our scientific voices to question and reflect, developing our understanding as we learn.

We recently had 'Science Boffins' in to do a Science Assembly for the whole school. We learnt about the difference between Science and Magic: magicians don't tell us their secrets whereas scientists do! Please see below for some photos:


Science Assembly 2024

Last Year's PTFA decided to fund a whole school Science Assembly for us. It was so much fun!



Please see below for an overview of what we teach in each year group:

whole school science overview docx.pdf

At St. Joseph’s our aim is to:

  • Provide a range of opportunities to study the world, the universe and all of Creation.
  • Develop scientific knowledge and skills through a range of ‘hands on’ enquiries.
  • To develop a sense of curiosity and excitement towards Science.
  • To provide opportunities to explore and develop ideas and opinions.
  • To consider how Science has changed our lives and how it is vital for the future.

Please see below for the whole school science overview and individual year overviews:

Year 1 Science Overview

Year 2 Science Overview

Year 3 Science Overview

Year 4 Science Overview

Year 5 Science Overview

Year 6 Science Overview


See below for knowledge organisers for each year group showing more detail about what we learn each topic:

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6
Animals Including Humans (humans) Uses of Everyday Materials Rocks and Soils Living Things and their Habitats Earth and Space Electricity
Animals Including Humans (animals) Living Things and their Habitats Animals Including Humans Animals including Humans  Living Things and their Habitats Evolution & Inheritance
Everyday Materials Animals Including Humans Light  Sound Animals Including Humans Light
Plants Plants Forces and Magnets  Electricity Properties of Materials Animals Including humans
Plants States of Matter


See some photos of what we have been doing in our Science lessons:


Here are some links to support learning we complete in school:

